“On a fire engine you see all of this. The inequality, but also the tremendous wealth. The incredible environment we are a part of, but that our society brutalises through mining and irresponsible farming practices.”
I am have been a professional firefighter since 1997.
It is a rewarding job, and one I count myself very lucky to have. In my time on the trucks I have seen a lot of funny things, worked with some of the finest people I have ever met, and have had the privilege of trying to help people when they are experiencing some of the worst events life can throw at you.
It is a job that gives you insights into our society.
Sydney is a city of extremes. In a suburb like Balmain, where I currently work, there are the homes of CEOs and politicians two streets away from public housing. Across the city as a whole the contrast is even more stark. Some of the most sought after real estate in the world surrounds our harbour, but in the outer suburbs thousands are left behind.
The story is the same across NSW, and indeed the country. We’re a wealthy country, but an unequal one. And one where our natural environment is taken as being just another commodity to be parcelled up and sold.
On a fire engine you see all of this. The inequality, but also the tremendous wealth. The incredible environment we are a part of, but that our society brutalises through mining and irresponsible farming practices.
But you also see the best of people. In a crisis most of us show generosity, and courage. The challenge for the Greens, and for everyone who wants our society to be for the many, not the few, is how we can harness that.